
How To Stop Samsung Experience Service Notifications

  1. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    Hi I've just recently moved to using Android. Android 6.0 Marshmellow on Nexus 6P.

    I'yard having a lot of issues with the notifications, so far I've been spammed past notifications and I was able to handle them in the notifications/app sections.

    My consequence is this, when i'm travelling in the London underground and I have no network carrier during that period. I get a notification which I cannot remove either from the settings or a swipe gesture.

    When my phone is locked, it's shown as "Phone Services - Content Hidden", after unlock information technology states; "No service - selected network (O2 - UK) unavailable". I

    Is there anyway I could remove this annoying notification ? I have searched all over the web but no solution has been establish and no I haven't rooted my device nor I plan to exercise and then.


    1. Download the Forums for Android™ app!


  2. Put it into flight mode when you lot get underground?
  3. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    Why would the telephone needs to be in flight mode in order to plow off a notification ???
  4. Pull down the Notification Bar and click on the DATA button, and the WiFi button.

    now they are off..... presto, no notifications to bug yous.

    get back outside in the sunshine, turn them back on.
    I do information technology many times a twenty-four hour period....

  5. If its in flight mode, y'all wouldn't get the notification thats abrasive you in the offset identify....
  6. When you pull down the Notification Bar, if the DATA push button does not bear witness, click on the Menu Button and open up it up full screen. in that location you can modify the 1st row of buttons....

    This is how I social club them: Left to Correct

    Mobile DATA, Mobile Hotspot, WiFi, Bluetooth, Screen Rotation.

    Now, when I pull the Notification Bar down, those just mentioned are in the top row, and all you need do is printing on one to TOGGLE information technology on/off.

    WiFi OFF saves battery. Why should information technology be searching all the time if you aren't domicile, in your part, or using it at the Deli?

    DATA off stops all internet activity period.... No app can try to phone call home to momma and report that Facebook just updated your status..... you don't need all of that stuff going on.... it simply uses up the battery and accomplishes zero..... UNLESS you are out in the open, have DATA available, and you lot want to receive that info.

    For me: if the screen is locked, everything except Bluetooth is OFF.

    You can make telephone calls, you can employ SMS. Neither of those require Information... that is simply for the Internet.


  7. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    It seems that we have different layouts, for me - left to correct; information technology's wifi, blue tooth (two options at the tiptop, commencement row), second row, do not disturb, carrier, aeroplane mode and third row -- portrait/horizontal, torch and cast.
  8. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    Thanks, I volition utilize it every bit a solution if I don't find any thing else, I was advertised as Android allowing the user "full freedom to do annihilation" so yeah...
  9. chanchan05

    Y'all tin can change that layout to whatsoever layout you want. The toggles are movable.
  10. asura1990

    Thread Starter


    How would you practice that? I take accessed the carte by dragging the notification bar down and holding onto the buttons to run across if they are movable simply I cannot.

  11. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    Information technology seems that going into plane mode doesn't seem to remove the notification.
  12. Pull something off the get-go row downwards into the lesser surface area, that leaves a gap.
    then drag something from the bottom and place it up on the top row.

    I neglected to mention that you tin can change the order, as I causeless that "everyone knows" that the Drag 'n Drop functionality of Android is applicative to the Notification Bar.

    Information technology is difficult to cover all scenarios in one single mail. I take tried to do that in the past, and the mail gets then long, that the reader merely only glosses over it and moves on..... ignoring all of our attempts to help.

    I just at present noticed that y'all can't do anything to the Notifications at all if the SIM card is not in the telephone.
    ( I was using my spare S5 to test this, information technology is not in service ATM )

  13. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    Hi again,

    Sorry for request this again and having the patience for me; it appears what you have suggested doesn't seem to work, if it helps -- I have included a screenshot of my phone in the quick setting.


    Every bit you could see, I could non detach and motion any of the rows past highlighting or by selecting by belongings down on it.

    I honestly did not know it was so difficult for this platform to remove a simple notification.

    This is the notification.


  14. I'm looking at your Notification Panel and information technology does not look like the 1 that is nowadays on Samsung phones. I can't find the Menu push, or I just don't recognize it?

    I just reviewed mail service #ane and note yous have "Android half-dozen.0 Marshmallow on Nexus 6P" which is something I have never seen... we need someone on here who is familiar with the Nexus 6P to help yous out.

    Here is a series of Screenshots that I just took on my Samsung Note iv, and they await identical to what is on the Samsung Galaxy S5.

    In the 1st shot, there is the Gear Icon ( Applications Mgr ) and a Foursquare Icon with 4 smaller squares. that is the icon that is the Carte for the Notification Panel.

    The second screenshot shows the full Panel as it is currently setup on "my telephone", they will all motility effectually anytime you modify something. Note that at the pinnacle correct, there is a Pencil ( the Edit function ) and 3 horizontal lines. ( ignore this ) and click on the Pencil.

    the 3rd Screenshot shows an explanation of how to move the icons effectually.

    the quaternary Screen shot shows the two Panels, the upper Panel is the Agile Console. The Lower Console is the available buttons to be used.

    I was in error earlier when I said "pull on down and leave a gap". It don't work that way, you lot drag 1 from the "Available" surface area and place it on top of, the ane yous want to replace.

    When y'all have all of the ones you desire on the Top Row, then y'all can elevate them sideways to create the gild you want.

    click on i of these screens to get a larger view of it.

    Screenshot_2016-02-03-04-02-14.png Screenshot_2016-02-03-04-02-28.png Screenshot_2016-02-03-04-03-09.png Screenshot_2016-02-03-04-03-30.png

  15. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    Howdy once more,

    Thank you for the help, it appears we both do have unlike phones and different OS versions. I may demand to make an enquiry in the Nexus 6P forums for support.

    Thanks for trying to assist me though.

  16. Jfalls63

    Screenshot_20160203-063927.png Get to settings,under wireless and networks cull more. Yous should see Aeroplane fashion and take pick to turn it on. Plough off when you lot become to surface area with point.

    Simply read entire thread once again and you already tried Plane way and notwithstanding become the notification, sorry.

  17. MunstersRebel

    Why non root your phone and try with something like macrodroid or exposed framework
  18. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    "I oasis't rooted my device nor I program to exercise so."

    As written in the initial post. I've used iOS earlier and I had to jailbreak the phone in order to give me total liberty over information technology, I was told Android you don't have to do anything similar; information technology seems that people who told me so were completely incorrect or only lied to me.

  19. or were just uninformed nearly the total world of Android.

    I have never rooted any of my Android phones. Non that I wouldn't like to accept "more than control" over how they work, I just never could afford the "loss if I bricked information technology", and being a stingy sort of guy, never took the gamble.

  20. asura1990

    Thread Starter

    I agree, anyways I have institute a solution -- it was pretty stupid.

    Settings > Data Usage > Mobile Networks > Network Settings > Network operators and select Automatic.

    I'll leave the answer here and mark it as an reply in instance anyone else runs into a like issue with the Nexus 6P.

  21. MunstersRebel

    I sympathise that totally. Although i accept rooted my last 4 fones ( GSII, NIOTE2, NOTE3 & NOTE4) and i accept had issues simply never had one hardbricked. And then it is fairly prophylactic.

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How To Stop Samsung Experience Service Notifications,


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